Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to use the Dragonpay Generic Biller Platform

Merchants who do not need full API integration can make use of Dragonpay's simple email link payment (aka. Generic Biller Platform).  The simplest format is:


where "XXXXXX" is the id assigned to the merchant and has been configured to accept Generic Biller request from Dragonpay's side.  The url may be embedded on a website or in an email.  When clicked by the end-user, the Dragonpay generic bills payment page will take over and prompt the user for additional payment data.

If merchant wishes to pre-fill the bills payment page, they can optionally include the ff. variables:

  • invoiceno
  • name
  • email
  • amount
  • remarks

It is up to the merchant to decide which of the optional parameters to include.  For example, if merchant wishes to pre-fill the amount:


Or if merchant wants to indicate an invoice no and the name:


Url formatting convention has to be strictly followed.  Special characters like whitespaces have to be url-encoded (replaced with a "+" symbol).  For other symbols you may refer to the HTML URL Encoding Reference guide.

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